CraigMillar | Verify Help

Login to CraigMillar | Verify is designed to be simple & efficient.

We have outlined a Step by Step Process, in order for you to efficiently use our systems.


"Login to CraigMillar" is designed to be simple.

Simply: On click "Client Login"

A. You will then be on the CraigMillar | Verify Page

B. Enter your ClientID / Business Name: This is given to you during onboarding and is usually your business name e.g: "CraigMillar Benburb" would be "craigmillarbenburb"

Now Press Login.


On your First Time of logging in via CraigMillar | Verify, you will see a message stating "Pop-ups blocked"

Press "Always allow pop-ups and re-directs from and then click "Done"

This is due to CraigMillar | Verify gathering information like your IP Address, Google Account & Email, to ensure that only authorised people can view your Client Portal


If successful, you will then have access to your Client Portal. Depending on your Organisation / Business, it may appear differently.